शनिवार, 22 जनवरी 2011

Kalpana - The Legacy Of Bhikhari Thakur.

This new album on Bhikhari Thakur  will be a true benchmark in the annals of Bhojpuri Music Industry and will set new standards for Bhojpuri music.

Among the masses of Bihar and other Bhojpuri-speaking areas, he needs no introduction. But the so-called mainstream ‘culture’, like always, has conspired to keep mum about his contribution, actively avoiding, even mentioning his name and have full stopped him with giving the title of Shakespeare of Bhojpuri literature. Hence, there are no serious documented accounts of his works till now. There are organizations who are also trying to revive HIM. But practically, none could bring out THE ARTISTE from the legend BHIKHARI THAKUR. Now here, I don’t want to take the credit, but yes I think it’s my turn to give something I can as an artiste.I had to research a lot, now it’s been 3 years since. I had visited to many remote areas in Bihar to gather some knowledge about him. Then one fine day in a remote village called Bakhorapur in Ara,Bihar,I was introduced with a very sparkling moment of my life. I went for a cultural show.Before my performance one artiste came and performed. His performance was so rustic, his voice, oh my god-I gulped.He was a very aged person,may be 100 years old,known as a nartak in the original Bhikhari Thakur mandali.I bowed and took ashirvaad from him and a desire took birth to sing The Bhikhari way in its original form.

A tribute by singer Kalpana - THE LEGACY OF BHIKHARI THAKUR.

Kalpana says-Bihar is not explored musically.Its always the U.P side the nation knows as Bhojpuri. Even in Bollywood it’s always the U.P folk. But today, if we talk about Bhojpuri music, first we should know about Bhojpur, where it is …?
Three districts ARA, CHHAPRA from BIHAR and BALIA from U.P makes todays BHOJPUR and the boli or language spoken in Bhojpur is actually Bhojpuri.Its a different matter that now even avadhi,banarsi,maghai,angika and even to some extent maithli is also included as a part of Bhojpuri culture as people know it nationally. But the core of Bhopuri boli is actually limited to only Ara, Chhapra and Balia.Anyway,I came back home to Mumbai, again got busy in professional commitments.But that desire was still living inside me.I tried to find BHIKHARI THAKUR on internet, failed, went to Patna searching books about him but in vain.Then after a year, one local Patna artiste came with the ‘Bhikhari rachnawali’ by rashtra bhasha parishad,Bihar.
I was so happy and started studying the book about the inner facts of the whole social, political and spiritual elements of the Bhikhari time zone. But again one challenge raised, where to get the original thekas(rhythm)and original compositions as sung the way Bhikhari Thakur used to. A year later I went to Bakhorapur, met that rustic nartak and requested him to sing for me.
He understood my intentions, agreed and the local villagers helped me to shoot and record the rustic nartak.
This desire to keep the legend alive and to introduce to the world the real Bhojpuri music, Bhikhari Thakur became my PASSION.This passion I am carrying is blissful and…I AM ENLIGHTENED………

Kalpana to release her latest world music album The Legacy of Bhikhari Thakur on the Shakespeare of Bhojpuri Literature from Virgin Records / EMI Music. .

BHOJPURI has given me so much that I can’t think of how to compensate back. Says Kalpana…..with god’s grace it’s been a very beautiful journey. Whenever people comes to know about me being from Assam they get surprised and always express-----oh Assam,Dr Bhupen Hazarika------Ganga Bahti ho kyon.....and after him here comes Kalpana. I feel so very special because from my childhood days Dr Bhupen Hazarika has been my idol. He is not just an idol but a soch, a thought for me. And if my respected listeners thinks and put up my name just beside my childhood idol Dr Bhupen Hazarika,it itself carries so much of         responsibility for me. Professionally, I was busy singing….but somehow deep inside my heart there was a VACUAM and after some time I realized it was desperately searching something.Who and where is the Dr BHUPEN HAZARIKA of Bhojpuri Literature.At last my search full stopped when I found HIM. They address him as the Shakespeare of Bhojpuri literature….BHIKHARI THAKUR. But then, who is he and where is he now? 

सोमवार, 17 जनवरी 2011

Kalpana’s new album The Legacy of Bhikhari Thakur to release from Virgin Records / EMI Music..

I think I understand my culture and would like to make it appear as stylish as what I think I am myself. My bhojpuri connectin is not only related to the fact that i am not a born Bhojpuria. I was initiated into it much later in my life and career. For me it’s like getting back to the roots. Its so colorful and heavenly that i feel that i am the chosen one.

Kalpana to release her latest world music album THE LEGACY OF BHIKHARI THAKUR on the Shakespeare of Bhojpuri Literature from TIMES MUSIC.

किताबों की बात-2: भिखारी ठाकुर पर "सूत्रधार"

किताबों की बात में "कुइंयाजान" के बाद बारी आती है कथाकार संजीव के उपन्यास "सूत्रधार" की। नाम से यह नाट्य पर ही आधारित लगती है, यह आधारित है भोजपुरी गीत-संगीत और लोक नाटक के अनूठे सूत्रधार भिखारी ठाकुर पर। वही भिखारी ठाकुर। जिन्हें महापण्डित राहुल सांकृत्यान ने ‘भोजपुरी का शेक्सपीयर’ कहा था और उनके अभिनंदनकर्त्ताओं ने भारतेन्दु हरिश्चन्द्र।

मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय के संस्कृति विभाग से मिले सीनियर फेलोशिप के तहत लिखा गया यह "सूत्रधार" आपको बताएगा कि कैसे एक सामान्य से नाई परिवार में जन्में 'भिखरिया' ने कैसे अपने को भिखारी ठाकुर बनाया कि आज भी लोग उन्हें याद रखे हुए हैं। क्यों उन्हें बड़े-बड़े हाकिम से लेकर बड़े-बड़े साहित्यकार ने इज्जत दी। भिखारी ठाकुर ने तब भोजपुरी में होने वाले नाचा जिसमे अभद्रता ज्यादा होती थी की संकल्पना को परिष्कृत कर उसे लोकनाट्य में तब्दील कर दिया। और उनके लोकनाट्यों ने ऐसी ख्याति पाई कि वह कलकत्ता से लेकर असम तक घूमते रहे अपनी मंडली लेकर, जबकि स्कूली शिक्षा के रूप में उन्होने बस अक्षर ज्ञान ही पाया था। उनकी रचनाओं में बहरा बहार (विदेशिया),कलियुग प्रेम (पियवा नसइल),गंगा-स्नान, बेटी वियोग (बेटी बेचवा),भाई विरोध,पुत्र-बधु, विधवा-विलाप,राधेश्याम बहार, ननद-भौज्जाई, गबरघिंचोर आदि मुख्य हैं।

कथाकार संजीव इस जीवनी परक उपन्यास की भूमिका में लिखते हैं " जीवनी लिखना इससे कहीं सरल कार्य होता,कारण,तब आप परस्पर विरोधी दावों के तथ्यों का उल्लेख कर छुट्टी पा सकते हैं। जीवनीपरक उपन्यासों में आपको औपन्यासिक प्रवाह बनाते हुए किसी मुहाने तक पहुंचना ही पड़ता है।यहाँ द्वंद्व और दुविधा की कोई गुंजाइश नहीं है। दूसरी तरफ उपन्यास लिखना भी जीवनीपरक उपन्यास लिखने की अपेक्षा सरल होता है, कारण आप तो तथ्यों में बँधे नहीं रहते। यहाँ दोनों ही स्थितियाँ नहीं थीं"।

संजीव आगे यह भी लिखते हैं कि 'भिखारी ठाकुर तीस वर्ष पहले जीवित थे; उन्हें देखने और जानने वाले लोग अभी भी हैं। सो,सत्य और तथ्य के ज्यादा से ज्यादा करीब पहुँचना मेरी रचनात्मक निष्ठा के लिए अनिवार्य था। इस प्रक्रिया में कैसी-कैसी बीहड़ यात्रा मुझे करनी पड़ी,ये सारे अनुभव बताने बैठूँ तो एक अलग पोथा तैयार हो जाए। संक्षेप में कहूँ तो कम असहयोग भी मुझे कम नहीं मिले, और सहयोग भी....'।

यह उपन्यास राधाकृष्ण प्रकाशन से प्रकाशित है जिसका पता यह है।
राधाकृष्ण प्रकाशन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड जी-17,जगतपुरी,दिल्ली-110051

मूल्य है 250 रुपए।

जो भिखारी ठाकुर को नही जानते और उन्हे जानना चाहते हैं वे यह उपन्यास पढ़ सकते हैं।

Kalpana Patowary - Voice of tradition.

xkf;dk dYiuk oYMZ E;wftd ds fy, Hkkstiqjh ds ‘Dlfi;j **fHk[kkjh Bkdqj** ij vius jkh?kz iznf’kZr gksus okys ,yce dh fjdkfMZax esa O;Lr!

dYiuk ‘jkq: ls gh fooknksa esa rc vkbZ tc ,yce Þxouoka ys tk jktk thß ds ,d xhr  **,xks pqEek ys dk jktk th ofu tkbZ trjk** tks cgqr gh pfpZr gqvk vkSj dYiuk ds fy, ,d izrhd xhr cu x;kA bl yksd fiz;rk ls mu yksxksa dks tyu gqbZ tks Hkkstiqjh fQYe bUMLVªht eas viuk opZLo cuk, j[kuk pkgrs gSaA bl xhr dks ysdj rjg & rjg dh izfrfØvk,a vkbZA dqN yksxksa us dgk fd ;g gekjh Hkkstiqjh laL—fr ds f[kykQ gSA gekjh cgw&csfV;k¡ & [kqysvke viuh Hkkoukvkas dk izn’kZu ugha djrh rks dqN yksxkas us dgk fd & ;g ,d ukjh lqyHk xouk,sa gS tks vius ifr ds izfr izn’kZu ek= gS tc fd iwjs ns’k ds tu leqnk; us dksbZ izfrfØ;k O;or ugha dh cfYd ml xhr dk iwjk & iwjk vkuUn mBk;k A Hkkstiqjh Hkk”kk & laL—fr vkSj laLdkjksa ds mih viuh jktuhfr djus okyksa dks ;g ckr ilUn ugha vkbZ fd ,d yM+dh tks u mRrj izns’k dh gS u fogkj dh gS vle dh ,d yM+dh Hkkstiqjh x;kdh ds f’k[kj ij dSls igqap xbZA blh xyr /kkj.k ds dkj.k ofy; ¼m-iz0½  ds ,d laxhr lEesyu esa eq>s viekfur gh ugha fd;k x;k & cfYd esjk iqryk tyk;k x;k & tks dqN yksxksa }kjk izk;ksftr fd;k x;k Fkk] tks tu leqnk; dh lksp ugha Fkh cfYd dqN fojks/kh yksxksa dh lksp FkhA

ysfdu bl fuanuh;  dk;Z ls u dksbZ QdZ iM+k u dksbZ cnyko vk;kA tks dykdkj dqN cnyko pkgrs gSa vkSj ml cnyko dk Js; [kqn ysuk pkgrs gSa mudh eulk iqjh ugha gqbZA bl ?kVuk ls dYiuk dh lksp vkSj –<+ gqbZ vkSj og cgknqjh ds lkFk bl laL—fr ls ijs vius vfHk;ku esa vkxs c<+uk pkgrh gS vkSj Hkkstiqjh laxhr dks ,d u;h ÅapkbZ ij ys tkuk pkgrh gSA
vkt Hkkstiqjh tu ekel us dYiuk dks bruk Lusg vkSj I;kj fn;k gs ftldh dYiuk [kqn dYiuk us dHkh ugha dh Fkh A ;g  bZ’oj dh —ik gS mlds mijA tc Hkkstiqfj;k yksx dYiuk ls dgrs  gSa oksg dYiuk vle dh dYiuk! Mk0 Hkwisu gtkfjdk ds vle dh dYiuk! Rkks eq>s vk’p;Z gksrk gS vkSj eSa vius dks fojks/k le>us yxrh gw¡A eq>s [kq’kh  vkSj QØ gksrk gS fd eSa xaxk vkSj czgEkiq= dh laL—fr dks tksM+us dk dk;Z dj jgh gw¡A
vle dh laL—fr vkSj laxhr dh igpku Mkå Hkwisu gtkfjdk tks cpiu ls gh esjs vkn’kZ jgs gSa muds lkFk esjk uke tksM+ dj tc Hkkstiqfj;k yksx eq>s Lusg nsrs gSa rks lpeqp eSa xkSjokfUor eglwl djrh gw¡  ysfdu lkFk gh esjh ftEesnkfj;ka Hkh Hkkstiqfj;k lekt ds izfr c<+ tkrh  gSA eSa fgUnqLrku ds dksus & dksus esa Hkkstiqjh  laxhr dk dk;ZØe djrh jgrh g¡wA bl nkSjku Hkkstiqjh ds cgqr lkjs dykdkj feyrs gSa & tks dYiuk dh rjg xkuk pkgrs gSaA mu esa ls dbZ eq>s viuk vkn’kZ ekurs gSa tks eSjs fy, fo’ks”k [kq’kh dh ckr gSA NB] nsoh  xhr] gksyh] yksd  xhr] ;gka rd dh fQYeh xhr Hkh ftls eSa xk pqdh gw¡ mUgha xhrksa dks dykdkj viuh vkokt us xkrs gSa og Hkh gekjs gh eap ij rks fo’ks”k [kq’kh gksrh gSA bl fLFkfr esa eSjh igyh ftEesnkjh ;gh gS fd Hkkstiqjh laxhr ds tknw dks Hkkstiqfj;k laL—fr dh egd vkSj mldh igpku dks nqfu;k ds dkSus & dkSus rd ys tkÅa vkSj Hkkstiqjh laxhr dks fo’oLrjh; igpku fnyk¡ÅA
ysfdu vkt ge vxj Hkkstiqjh laxhr dh ckr djrs gSa rks lcls igys bl ckr ij fopkj djuk gksxk fd Hkkstiqjh dg¡k gSaA okLro esa Hkkstiqjh oksyh fdl {ks= dh gSA fogkj ds vkjk ¼Hkkstiqj½ Nijk ¼Nijk floku] xksiky xat½ vkSj mRrj izns’k dk ftyk ofy;k tks vkjk vkSj Nijk dk iM+kslh gSA BsB Hkkstiqjh {ks= ;gh gSA ysfdu vkt Hkkstiqjh oksyh us viuk fojkV :i ys fy;k gSA vo/kh] oukjlh] exgh] vafxdk vkSj eSfFkyh cksyh dks Hkh Hkkstiqjh dk gh ,d vax ekuk tkrk gSA fo’koLrj ij vkt Hkkstiqjh dh ;gh igpku gSA
nwljs esa gesa bl ckr ij fopkj djuk gs fd dgk¡ dh Hkkstiqjh izekf.kd gS ---- mldk ewy Lo:i D;k gS fdl LFkku ls mldk mn~xe gqvk gS & Hkkstiqjh dk okLro esa ekud Lo:i D;k gS & vkSj dkSu ls ekud Lo:i esa vf/kd jpuk,a fy[kh xbZ vkSj og dkSu jpukdkj Fkk & ftldh jpyj,as& tu & tu rd ig¡phA Hkkstiqjh Hkk”kk vkSj cksyh ds izpkj esa eq[; :i ls ftl O;fDr dk fo’ks”k ;ksxnku Fkk & ml O;fDr ij cgqr dqN ugha fy[kk x;kA
Hkkstiqjh ds ‘ksDlfi;j dgs tkus okys fHk[kkjh Bkdqj ij cgqr dqN fy[kus ds ctk;] cgqr lkjs lkfgR;dkj vkSj i=dkj ekSu gh jgs!!
fHk[kkjh Bkdqj ds tUe LFky dqrqc iqj ¼Nijk] fcgkj½ esa fHk[kkjh Bkdqj vkJe ds uke ls ,d laLFkk pyrh gS fHk[kkjh Bkdqj vkxze ftlds }kjk gS & yksddykdkj fHk[kkjh Bkdqj ds ukVdksa dk izdk’ku djk;k x;k gSs ysfdu ;g iz;kl ml fytsUM ukVddkj vkSj xhrdkj ds fy, dkQh ugha gSA fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh jpukvksa }kjk Hkkstiqjh laL—fr ds fodkl ds fy, muds }kjk fn, x, ;ksxnku dks ,d O;kid izpkj D;ksa ugha feyk! Muds lkFk HksnHkko D;ksa fd;k x;k] ;g ckr le> esa ugha vkrhA
vc eSa fHk[kkjh  Bkdqj  dh jpukvksa dks ,d O;kid Lo:i nsus ds fy, dqN fo’ks”k djuk pkgrh g¡w& blfy, ugha fd eq>s bldk Js; feys cfYd blfy, fd Hkkstiqjh dh Fkkyh dgs tkus okys fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh jpukvksa dh [kq’kcw iwjs fo’o esa QSysA
eSa dbZ lkyksa rd fHk[kkjh Bkdqj ds fo”k; esa tkudkfj;ksa bdëh djrh jghA mlh nkSjku vkjk ds o[kksjkiqj esa ,d laxhr ds dk;ZØe esa ,d 100 lky ds oqtqxZ lTtu eq>s feys & tks fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh eaMyh Fks lnL; Fks ---! Muds eq¡g ls fHk[kkjh  dh jpukvksa dh BsB Hkkstiqfj;k xk;dh lqu dj rks eSa jksekafpr gks xbZA ml fnu yxk fd Hkkstiqjh dh vkRek rks ;gka gSA okWyhowM esa vkt rd Hkkstiqjh ds vlyh eksrh dks NksM+ dj mRrj izns’k ds Qksd dks ijkslk tkrk jgk gS ysfdu  vc eSa Hkkstiqjh vkRek mldk vlyh jax vkSj mldk eksgd tknw eSa nqfu;k ds lkeus ijksluk pkgrh gw¡A
        eSa ges’kk iz;kl jr jgh fd fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh dksbZ iqLrd fey tk; vkSj ,d fnu eSjh reUuk iwjh gks xbZ tc ,d LFkkfu; dykdkj us fogkj jk”VªHkk”kk ifj”kn ls izdkf’kr iqLrd fHk[kkjh Bkdqj jpukoyh ykdj eq>s  nhA vc leL;k ;g Fkh fd mu jpukvksa dk dEiksft’ku vkSj fjn~e dSls tkuk tk;] ftl /kqu] O;; vkSj rky esa fHk[kkjh Bkdqj viuh eaMyh ds lkFk tu&leqnk; ds lkeus xkrs FksA
,d ckj eSa fQj c[kksjk iqj xbZA xk¡o okyksa ds lg;ksx ls fHk[kkjh Bkdqj&eaMyh ds mlh cqtqxZ dykdkj }kjk fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh jpukvksa dks xok dj eSa us fjdkMZ fd;k vkSj ‘kwV fd;kA
        vc eSa fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh jpukvksa dks thoUr d:axh vkSj nqfu;k dks fn[kÅ¡xh fd Hkkstiqjh laxhr dk vlyh tknw ;g gSA fytsUM fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh jpukvksa dks iwjh nqfu;k esa ys tkuk eSjk liuk gS vkSj fe’ku Hkh gSA fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh —ik gekjs mij cuh jgsA

Kalpana to release her latest world music album The Legacy of Bhikhari Thakur on the Shakespeare of Bhojpuri Literature from Virgin Records / EMI Music..

A tribute…
by singer Kalpana.

Not many artists can take credit for being change-makers. But Kalpana had courage, the madness and the belief in herself to look beyond traditions and carve a unique niche for herself. In an era where pop and rock music rules, Kalpana tries to relive the country’s long-forgotten treasure of Bhikhari Thakurs Bhojpuri folk music.This Assamese girl is the darling of the North Indian belt and has carved herself a special niche in the Bhojpuri music world credited with reviving and promoting the Bhojpuri music industry all over the world and bringing back traditional forms of music to the International stage. Indian folk music particularly of Northern India & North East has been showcased and revived by Kalpana in a big way. As Kalpana says,I don’t want my folk music to be trapped in our villages. Yes it’s safe there in its original form, but of no use unless we make the world hear our very soulful and meditative music. To make it global I am trying to blend the folk music of my homeland with world music and other genres. Says Kalpana, there is no recorded songs on Bhikhari Thakur till date and this will be the first rare one releasing from Virgin Records/EMI Music. I am approaching the core people who have the pristine treasure of music, wherever they are. Besides focusing on unsung songs or who have a repertoire that is on the verge of extinction. I have also recorded some songs unheard. Recording the album is already having an impact. I am getting calls from all over. This album will give a chance to uncover the unique flavor of Bhikhari Thakur and listen to the unadulterated voice of Kalpana piercing right through to your soul. These songs will literally move you. The tunes create village spaces. Kalpana recently paid tribute to Bhikari Thakur in a Bhojpuri music reality show Sur Sangram 2 on Mahua Tv. She gave a power packed performance singing the Bhikhari Thakur parichay. Says Kalpana,how inspired I am by Bhikhari Thakur's life, how the legend has shaped the future of Bhojpuri music. I want to keep the legend alive. Is folk songs of Bhikhari Thakur finding it hard to survive? She asserts,"Lok sangeet na ghat-ta hai, na badhta hai, barabar chalta hai."Bhikhari Thakur songs are rich in imagery and heavy in Bhojpuri dialect. Truly "studios kill the soul of music." but we are trying to keep it in its raw form. What we require is some technical input, and the ability to afford to keep the folk songs intact, and thereafter portray them with better frames. This album will have drama of rhythms and percussions. Says Kalpana…I felt a greater emotional connection with more acoustic-oriented artists, particularly Bhikhari Thakur. I’m sure the world will listen to our folk songs and appreciate its richness. Kalpana brings the original vibrancy and richness of the Bhikhari Thakur folk forms to the World wide so that people from the world over can experience the originality and richness of Bhojpuri music.The songs gives listeners  space and time of that era. Bhikhari Thakur songs treat life with an experienced simplicity. Kalpana belives…this is an endeavour with a cause. “In an era of pop and rock, we are losing the basic foundation of our culture i.e.  folk”…clarifies Kalpana who conceptualized this idea. Kalpana’s vocal in this album showcase the traditional flavor of Bhikhari Thakur interwoven with her phenomenal sense of tone, her voice throwing command and sparkle of variety of styles is commendable.This new album on Bhikari Thakur  will be a true benchmark in the annals of Bhojpuri Music Industry and will set new standards for Bhojpuri music.This album has something that’s not easily done; introducing a new genre of music to the people and having them accept it without hesitation.She is also planning to do a series of albums on Bhikhari Thakur in the future and keep the legend alive within her, in her own little way. With this album, singer Kalpana will generate a mass interest on Bhojpuri music in a genre like WORLD MUSIC.She specifies, "I am not just trying to preserve his folk forms, but trying to sustaining the legendary artist Bhikhari Thakur."

To know more log on to Kalpana’s blogspot

मंगलवार, 11 जनवरी 2011

Writers and Journalist Association of India - WAJA.

dYiuk ds cgkus gks jgk fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dk fojks/k vc lgu ugha

^^jkbVlZ ,.M tuZfyLV ,lksfl;s’kuSSS **& oktk

        orZeku ifjos’k esa Hkkstiqjh Hkk’kk ns’k ds 14 jkT;ksa lesr foSS+jo  ds reke ns’kkas esa yksdfiz;rk ds f’k[kj dks Nwrs gq;s ekjh’kl tSls ns’kkas dh jktHkk’kk cuus ds ckn Hkh [kqn dks tUe nsus okys ns”k esa gh ekU;rk ds fy, vk”p;Zpfdr NViVkgV ds nkSj ls xqtj jgh gSaA fgUnqLrku esa bl ij tc Hkh loky mBrk gSa ljdkj dk Vdk lk tokc gkftj jgrk gS fd Hkkstiqjh dk u rks viuk dksbZ fyVªspj gS vkSj u gh ,sls dksbZ Bksl izek.k tks Hkkstiqjh dks Hkk’kk dk ntkZ fnykus esa enn djsaA
      vkt ,sls Hkh’k.k nkSj esa tcfd Hkkstiqjh lkfgR; o laLd`fr ds udkjkRed rF;ksa dks <+addj ldkjkRed i{k dks mHkkjuk reke lewgksa dk iquhr drZO; gksus ds lkFk gh orZeku le; dh e¡kx Hkh Fkh] rc ldkjkRed i{kksa dksa <addj udkjkRed i{kksa dks mHkkjus dk ,slk [krjukd [ksy [ksyk tk jgk gSa ftlls Hkkstiqjh lkfgR; ds “ksDlih;j fHk[kkjh Bkdqj rd dh fnoaxr vkRek ln~cqf) ds ekxZ ls gVrs vius oa”ktksa dh fu;fr djkg mBh gSA
      lun jgsa fd fiNys dqN eghuks ls Hkkstiqfj;k foSS+jo  dh xehZ vius mQku ij gS vkSj mldk xeZ ykok Hkkstiqjh esa ubZ ØkfUr dk ladsr ns jgk gSA bl cnyko ds ihNs Hkkstiqfj;k ØkfUr dk uohu psgjk cudj mHkj jgh dYiuk }kjk Hkkstiqjh lkfgR; ds “ksDlih;j fHk[kkjh Bkdqj ij fd;s x;s “kks/k ds ifj.kke Lo:Ik ^^VkbEl E;wftd** }kjk rS;kj gks jgk fo”o Lrjh; og IkzkstsDV gSa ftlds ekQZr dYiuk fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh igpku fo”o Lrj ij ys tkuk pkgrh gSA fuf”pr :Ik ls Hkkstiqjh ds fy, ;g ,d cM+h ØkfUr gSaA bl izkstsDV ds ckn u dsoy fHk[kkjh Bkdqj vkSj Hkkstiqjh lkfgR; o laLd`fr ds izfr iwjh nqfu;k dh ldkjkRed lksp fodflr gksxh oju~ ;g ØkfUr ek= Hkkstiqjh cksyh cudj jg pqdh Hkkstiqjh Hkk’kk dks ekU;rk fnykus esa csgn ennxkj fl) gksxhA
      blds lkFk gh fgUnqLrku esa igyh ckj vuks[ks <ax ls rS;kj gks jgk laHkkoukvksa ls Hkjk ;g fo”oLrjh; izkstsDV tgka ,d rjQ ns”k fons”k ds cM+s ekWyks es igq¡p dj vHkh rd ,yhV Dykl dh idM+ ls dkslksa nwj [kM+h vly Hkkstiqjh dks muds fnyksa rd igq¡pkus esa csgn egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk vnk dj ldrk gS ogha fgUnqLrkuh lkfgR; txr ds fdUgh vphUgs ls iUUkksa esa nQu gks pqds fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh lgh rLohj dks Hkh fo”o ds lkeus lPps vFkksZ esa izXkV dj ldsxkA
      ckotwn blds ;g nq[kn vk”p;Z gS fd ;g ckr m¡xfy;ksa ij fxus tk ldus okys lekt ds pUn Bsdsnkjkssa dks u tkus D;ksa gte ugha gks ik jgh gS vkSj osa v”yhyrk ds cgkus fojks/k dh Tokyk iznhIr djus ds vksNs iz;klksa esa layXu gks x;s gSA J`axkj&”yhy ,ao v”yhy ds chp Hksn dj ikus esa v{ke dqN lLrs ls gkFk Hkh ifCyflVh dh bl cgrh xaxk esa [kqn dks /kqyus gsrq mrkoys gSaA
      udkjkRed ekufldrk ds nksgjs iu ls dqf.Br gks volknxzLr gks pqds ,sls gh yksxksa dh otg ls gj ckj Hkkstiqjh vius fo”oLrjh; eqdke rd igq¡pus ls pwd tkrh gSaA blesa dksbZ nks jk; ugha fd ,d vLkkZ igys “kksf’kr tkfr ds fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dks xqeukeh ds v¡/ksjs esa /kdsydj Hkkstiqjh ds lkfgfR;d vkdk”k dqlqe dh lqxU/k dks nqfu;k essa QSyus ls igys gh ukspdj vius iSjksa rysa jkSan Mkyus okys yksx ;gh gS vkSj vc tcfd fHk[kkjh Bkdqj ij rS;kj gksus okyk dYiuk dk fo”oLrjh; izkstsDV vius vafre pj.k esa gS ,d ckj fQj ls mlh iqjkuh ekufldrk ds yksx fdlh u fdlh cgkus dYiuk dk ?ksjus dk iz;kl rst djus yxs gSaA
      ;gka Xykscykbts”ku ds cnyrs nkSj esa Hkh [kqn dks u cny ikus okys bu rkfyckfu;ksa ls ;g loky gS fd&vkf[kj osa dc cnysaxs vkSj Hkkstiqjh lkfgR; o lekt ds ldkjkRed i{kksa dks ns[kuk dc “kq: djsaxs\
      etsnkj rF; rks ;g gSa fd blls iwoZ Hkh ftu fnuks e”kgwj iWki flaxj ekbdy tSDlu ds yhM Iys;j dkyksZ dSUVksuh] QzhMehZ] jksukYM rFkk fo”ofo[;kr E;wftf”k;u f=yksd xq:rq ds lkFk dYiuk uke dh ;gh flaxj dtjh] ctjk] fuxZq.k tSls reke ns”kt xhrks dks if”peh laxhr ds lkFk tksM+ ikWi o tWkt dh ubZ fo/kk fudkyrs gq;s teZuh lesr reke ;wjksih; ns”kksa esa oYMZ E;wftd ^^ekfldy** ds tfj;s yksxksa esa Hkkstiqjh ds izfr ykylk iSnk dj jgh Fkh rks ;gh yksx fgUnqLrku esa ^^lqjlaxzke** ls vlehckyk dYiuk dks ckgj fudky fn;s tkus dh >wBh vQokgsa QSyk jgsa FksaA
      ,d ckj fQj vkt tc oYMZ yscy ij mfpr lEeku ds gdnkj fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dh rF;kRed igyqvksa dks iwjh nqfu;k esa QSykus ds fy, vle dh ;g ØkfUrdkjh ckyk rS;kj gS rks iqu% fojks/k dh vkoktsa mBus yxh gSA
      fiNys fnuks fnYyh ls mijksDr c;ku tkjh djrs gq, jk’Vªh; Lrj ij ys[kdks &i=dkjksa ds lk>k eap ^^jkbVlZ ,.M tuZfyLV ,lksfl;s’ku ** ds jk’Vªh; egklfpo fjkosUnz izdkjk f}osnh us dgk fd&pw¡fd gekjh laLFkk i=dkjkaasa&jpukdkjksa ds lEeku lfgr fgUnqLrku dh fofHkUu Hkk’kk lkfgR; ds fodkl gsrq dfVc) gS vkSj fHk[kkjh Bkdqj Hkkstiqjh Hkk’kk ds egku jpukdkj gSa] ,sls esa ;fn dYiuk fHk[kkjh Bkdqj ds mfpr lEeku ds fy, dk;Z dj jgh gS rks ,lksfl;s”ku fcgkj] >kj[k.M] mRrj izns”k] e/; izns”k] xqtjkr vkSj egkjk’Vª tSls reke izns”kksa esa u dsoy mudk leFkZu djsxh oju~ bl izkstsDV dks ^^us”kuy vokMZ** fnykus dh Hkh dksf”k”k djsxhA mUgksusa dgk fd&fHk[kkjh Bkdqj ls tqM+s rF;ksa dks bl dher ij utj vUnkt djuk fd os “kksf’kr rCkds ls tqM+s jgsa vFkok muds fy, dke dj jgh dYiuk dk fojks/k bl dher ij djuk fd og ,d ckgjh izns”k vle dh efgyk gSa] ;g rkfyckuh ekufldrk |ksrd gSa vkSj bl ekufldrk ds fojks/k esa fHk[kkjh Bkdqj o Hkkstiqjh Hkk’kk lkfgR; ds lEeku gsrq reke tu laxBuks dks Hkh vkxs avkuk pkfg,A
      mUgksus ;g Hkh dgk fd vius LokFkksZ dh dher ij Hkkstiqjh lkfgR; o laLd`fr dks vkxs u c<+us nsus okys dqN yksx vkt Hkh vleh ckyk dYiuk ds fojks/k dh ,ot esa Bhd ogh dher olwy jgsa gS tSls vkt ls o’kkZsa igys “kksf’kr rcds ls rkYyqd j[kus dh ,ot esa lkeUr oknh ekufldrk ds rgr fHk[kkjh Bkdqj dk fojks/k djus okys lekt ds pUn Bsdsnkjksa us olwyh Fkh vkSj vlkZ igys Hkkstiqjh dyk] laLd`fr o lkfgR; dks viuh eafty ij igq¡pus ls igys gh fBBdus dks etcwj dj fn;k Fkk  ¼f’kosUnz izdk’k f}osnh ekas0&09969936604@9415283516½